Monday, August 30, 2010

Chore Chart

With the recent addition of our college student living with us, our busy schedules and my lack of cleaning discipline, the Free household introduced the Chore Chart nearly a month ago.

Here is what ours looks like:

So far, I'd give us a B+/ A -.
I would say as far as laundry goes, it has turn me into an A+ student.
Normally, I would let me laundry pile up until it was a weekend event.
Now, with having a scheduled day, I'm always on top of it!

We are doing pretty good overall.
It's nice knowing what needs to be done when.
For the last month or so I haven't had marathon clean ups because the house is relatively ready to go.

So this beauty hangs on our fridge as a daily reminder of what needs to be done to keep this well-oiled machine called the Free Household running smoothly.

I know for many of you this is second nature, no chart needed. But for us, it's pretty much a requirement.

Just my tidbit of the day ; )

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