Monday, March 25, 2013

My Mission Statement

It is....inspiring. Hence the name.
Kat has amazing resources, e-books and podcasts to encourage your walk with Christ and growth as a woman, wife and mother.

Not going to first impression was kind of an eye roll.
I remember spending an entire day of professional development last summer coming up with our school's mission statement.
Did I really need one as a mom?

But as I read the ebook, I saw the need.

If my main priorities in life (being a believer, wife, mother, homemaker and employee) really were priorities, then they needed a vision and a goal!

So definitely, go download her e-book and brainstorm your priorities and actions you will choose to do daily to grow in those roles.

I sat down this evening with pen in hand and got to work.

And here is what I came up with:

It's pretty darn wordy, and I know it will be tweaked over time.
But for now, it will help focus my oh-so-precious time and be a constant reminder of my purpose God has called me to do.

I plan to print this off and put it in areas where I need this focus
(my work area, home binder, etc.)

One thing I love that Kat mentioned is that our own unique mission statement helps us from comparing ourselves to others or that "perfect" mom we imagine. As we pray over our roles, God gives us a direct purpose that only we can do.

Have you made your own mission statement? Is it something you plan to do in the future?

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