Thursday, January 28, 2010


It's cold at the Free House. Not just because of the weather.....

we are on a spending freeze.

Mr. Free and I have been INCREDIBLY blessed throughout our 2.5 years of marriage. We look back and see the many ways God has provided for us when we couldn't see how that could happen.
Mr. Free and I have decided that we need to temporarily live more simply and learn to do with out.
That is hard for me.
That means, no more:

We are even avoiding:

and trying to cook from the things already in our freezer and pantry.

This requires creativity, people!!!

But that's OK.

Through this experience so far, I've learned:
* to make my own latte's at home
* how to make homemade bread
* Mr. Free and I have been cooking from scratch together
* to shop from my own home: moving decor from one room to another can dramatically change the look...for FREE!
* that entertainment is everywhere and doesn't always cost $$$
* that spending an evening at home just spending time together can be a wonderful gift
* sometimes you have to make your own FUN

So far I've really enjoyed the challenge. Old habits are hard to break (running by Starbucks after a sleepless night, swinging by Target to peruse the sales, going out to eat on the weekends with friends...)

Does anyone have any living simply, money saving tips??? Please send them my way!!!!


  1. No advice..being poor sucks! hah. no, but I know how hard it is not to spend $$ but you'll be so proud of yourself when you look back on the week and think "wow I didn't waste any money!" (I have to take it one week at a time, and i fail often...).
    You should go through your closet and organize it, and put new outfits together. Or I'm looking all around my house thinking of what I could put in a garage sale this summer (so I can have some shopping money! :)

  2. Yeah, we've gone all around the house and put stuff for sale on craigslist that we don't use (books, video games, etc.) I probably should go through my clothes as well....
    Good advice!!!


    Been there. It sucks. Not. Gonna. Lie. BUT- on the upside- it can't get much worse right?! Go to the above website, I visit it at least every Monday. On mondays there is a menu plan with recipies for the week, on Wednesdays she outlines all KC sales. Since you are between LS and Raytown every day at least one of the stores are bound to be on your way. Also- go back a couple weeks on her blog and she did a 2 week cook from the pantry challenge, outlining every meal. :) Love ya!

  4. Thanks Katie, that's a great resource!!!


I love comments! Thanks for leaving me one! I read each and everyone one! xoxo Jenny Free