

Mr. Free and I began our journey to parenthood during the summer of 2010. We were lucky and got pregnant right away, but at our 9 week ultrasound we learned the baby had stopped growing a few weeks prior and had a D & C the following week. Once we were cleared to begin trying again, we got pregnant! But this resulted in a chemical pregnancy. Again, we were cleared and got pregnant! This too, resulted in miscarriage.
Mr. Free and I were then referred to a Reproductive Endocrinoligist and began fertility testing.
Once results were in, we began a medicated cycle and were pregnant once more! This time, it resulted in our beautiful baby boy, Levi. 

Losing those first three pregnancies were emotionally difficult, as well as difficult physically. Fertility testing also was a test of our faith as we underwent painful procedures with an unsure outcome.
You can read more details of that journey here.

Levi is such a blessing and I am so thankful God has chosen me to be his mommy. Below are some links about our family and about mommyhood that has been beneficial to me.

Levi is now 3 and such an incredible joy.

In May of 2015 I gave birth to our sweet baby girl, Emery.
I love having a sweet girl and my amazing boy.
I am so thankful for this beautiful family God blessed me with.

Levi's Birth Story
DIY Cloth Wipes & Detergent
Cloth diapers 101
Cloth diapering
Fighting the Yeast Monster with Cloth Diapers
Levi's Nursery
How to Sew Frayed Edge Burp Clothes
Nearly-Free Playroom
Mama's Survival Guide for Returning to Work
Sitter Binder
BabyWearing 101
Day in the Life of a "Mostly Home" Mom
Baby's First Pumpkin
Baby & Toddler Friendly Felt Christmas Tree
Now Entering Toddlerhood
Home Preschool
Emery's Birth Story