
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Art gallery hallway

Mr. Free just finished his Senior art show.
His work was awesome- rave reviews!
So now we have a bunch of his work all framed and ready to display!

Being the ever-so proud wife I am, I've been brainstorming the best places to display his creativity.
We thought doing a gallery-style display down our hallway would look pretty neat...
I perused the 'ol internet for some inspiration, and here's what I found...

I really hope Mr. Free will help with the hanging of them.....
I'm kind of known for just 'eye balling it' and making a bunch of holes in the wall....
I have the patience of a 2 year old I tell ya...

So...what do you think? Love it? Hate it?

I'll be sure to post pics once it's done! (Hopefully sooner than later...)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm selfish.

I know, we all are. It's called 'survival'. But, I'm selfish.
I usually always think about myself first.
How will this benefit me?
Is this fair? Am I going to wind up doing more/paying more than someone else?


I don't like this about myself.

Philippians 2:1-5 If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort form his love, if any fellowship with the spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.

How much better would this world be if we all started to put these verses into action?
Being compassionate, loving, serving, humble and thinking of others before ourselves.
I'm sure marriages would improve.
Families would function better.
Friendships would flourish.
Work morale would improve.
Our overall outlook would be better.
At the end of my life, I want to have been a blessing to those around me.
I don't want to be a fake, plastic, perfect, selfish person.
I want to have been real, genuine.
I want to have been a blessing.
I try to be pretty transparent on here. I want to show that humanity deals with similar emotions and events.
And I'm dealing with selfishness.
Maybe this stikes a bit in your heart to when you reflect on your attitude in your marriage, family, friendships or coworkers.
Please pray for me as I strive to have a heart of humility.
Do you ever realize you how selfish you are?
What do you do to change it?
Thanks for listening to my ramblings friends.
It's just been on my heart today.
So I'm being selfish and talking about it : )
P.S. I went to bed a bit earlier last night and woke up a bit earlier. I was still running a bit behind...but it's an improvement! Thanks for all the advice!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Becoming a Morning Person.

This is how I feel every.single.morning.

I have never been a morning person.
Ever since I was born I could easily and happily sleep 10 hours.
However, life doesn't quite give you 1o hours to sleep anymore.

I find myself staying up a bit too late, and then sleeping in until the lastpossiblesecond and then rushing around trying to not be late for work.

That's how I've rolled for the last 25 years.
Time to shake things up.
I *want* to be a morning person.

How am I going to do that?
I have no idea.

I try setting my alarm earlier, and I still snooze it.
I put my phone (aka my alarm) across the room.
I will get up, go change the alarm time, and go back to sleep.

I am bad.

Why do I want to be a morning person?
1) I think it will set the day up to be better...less stress
2) I think putting my bible study time first thing will really help my focus for the rest of the day.
3) I could eat breakfast! Like....actually, sit and eat a breakfast!
4) I could actually do my hair (instead of the usual not-enough-time bun) and maybe even throw on a necklace!
5) I could help start Mr. Free's day off well. I could do something productive first thing to help his day go a bit smoother.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13
I am clinging to this....Lord help me be a productive, happy morning person!

So...are you a morning person? Are you a converted morning person? Are you anti-mornings like me?
If you have any tips or encouragement, please pass them along!
I need it!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

post no. 101

It's late Sunday night and I have a busy week ahead....

This week I have to:
* Clean the's badddd
* Organize our home office
* Do a butt-load of laundry
* Write a paper for Grad school
* Go to class
* Go to work, obviously
* 4th grade choir concert on Thursday night
* 4th grade choir tour Friday
* Family birthday party Friday night
* Host a baby shower for my sister-in-law Saturday

So, yeah, I'm completely overwhelmed.

I want our home office to look pretty, so I've been looking for some pics. Here's what I got:

All pretty similar, huh? I guess I know what I like....
Well, I'm off to bed to get a little shut eye before this whirlwind of a week hits me...

Any advice readers? How to tackle a never-ending to-do list without just sitting down and crying?

Friday, April 23, 2010

A weekend away...

Mr. Free and I are off to

to see my very

sister-in-law (she is pregnant with twin girls!) and our brother-in-law

while we are there we will

(because they are our dentists- and the best ones at that!)

and Mr. Free will paint

or his little neices bedroom

and we will all spend some over-due time together.

On our way home we will stop at

and I will joyfully walk the aisles and pick out new and interesting things to try. Because I love grocery shopping. I really do. It involves two of my most favorite things: shopping and food.

And then we will drive home and come back to the real world.

What are you doing this weekend???

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Easy ways to go 'green'

Happy Earth Day everyone.

I know 'going green' has become quite trendy lately, but really, is that such a bad thing?
Taking care of our planet and the environment our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will one day live in should be important.

Mr. Free and I have slowly been trying to make 'greener' choices. One reason too as that often being 'green' is also being frugal! Many of these tips are also cost-effective! Bonus!

Here's some simple tips to becoming a greener household:

* Use cloth grocery sacks.

And leave them in the car where you will use them....don't leave them at home where they are useless like I often do....

* If you don't have reusable grocery sacks, and use plastic, then re-use them!
We re-use plastic grocery sacks as the trash liners in the bathroom (frugal!) and for lunch sacks (frugal again!)

* Use a power strip for electronics and turn it off when not in use!

This saves a lot of power and a lot of money on your electric bill!

* When making furniture or household purchases, check thrift stores and craigslist first!
It's better to use items that already exist, then dumping unwanted items into land fills and buying new. This is cost-effective and gives your home more charm! (I'm telling you...they don't make things like they used to!)

* Use natural ingredients for home cleaners!
Vinegar is great at cleaning almost anything, and is dirt cheap! No use of chemicals contributes to a healthier, greener home!

* Buy local!
Not only is this great for our local economy, it also cuts down on pollution and damage to the environment caused by trucks and trains delivering our goods across the country and continent. (For more info on eating local....check this post!)

So far these are ideas we have already implemented. We are far from the 'green' example household.

So Readers, what are your 'green' household tips?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

On the Eve of Earth Day: Composting

Mr. Free and I started our garden this week.
In preparation a couple of weeks ago we decided to start composting.

Mr. Free used some plywood scraps (oh-so-green of us!) to make some compost bins to put in the back of our pretty large, jungle-like backyard.

We also purchased a small plastic paint bucket from Lowe's to put our daily food scraps in to take out to the big bins.

It has been quite the experience so far! We have cut down our trash by about half!
In composting you can compost 'green' materials
Food scraps
Egg shells
Yard clippings

and 'brown' materials
Paper towels
Coffee grounds

Many of you probably already knew this, but just in case you didnt...

Starbucks gives away big bags of coffee grounds for you to use in your garden.
We snagged a big bag Sunday and used it in the soil for our garden.
It's free and great for your compost and soil!
And gives you an excuse to go to Starbucks more often! Hahaha

Here's a cute pics of the pups while we were gardening....they are so cute and short. : )

Also.... please check your local listings because tonight on PBS they will be airing Food Inc. tonight!!!

I highly, highly recommend everyone see this who eats food.
That should be everyone....
It's not gross or make you want to be a vegetarian (like I've heard some people say in concern)
It just educates you on what you are putting your body.

Please watch it. Please.

So Readers,
Is anyone a long-time composter? Have any tips?
Is anyone a beginner composter like us?
Have any questions about it?
Have you seen Food Inc.? What are your thoughts???

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sewing table reveal

I wound up painting it again, this time 'Beach House' by Valspar. (Found in the 'Oops' section at Lowe's...$3/quart!)

I really love this color....adds a great punch, yet is relaxing.

Here's a reminder of its previously painted shade:

What do you think? I think it is much better.

Now I've got to get to my sewing projects! Our little neices will be here in just a couple of months and I want to make some things for them!

Sorry it's not the best picture...I'll try and get a better one when I get home. I appreciate your feedback!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring Homes Tour

One of my favorite things about Spring is the Spring Homes Tour!
Nothing makes me want to go home and clean house more than seeing these perfectly spotless and manicured homes.

My mom and I were out running errands and decided to peak into one of the homes.
It is beautiful!
Nothing earth-shattering, but gave me some good ideas for when we can *hopefully* build a home someday.

Here are the highlights:

I liked the 2 different granites between the countertops and the island countertops.
Don't let that pantry fool you....
She looks like your average pantry.....
A ha!!! Amazing!!!!
I wasn't jealous at she is double the size of my closet!

Upstairs laundry....definitely on my list of wants!

2 shower heads.....genius!
I want that tub, I want that tub, I want that tub....
I totally loved the color of the hardwoods they have. The next house will have dark hardwood floors I do declare....

I loved this built-in mud room bench and storage!!!

That's it!!! Thanks for touring with me!
I am curious though, what's on your list for your dream home?
A walk-in pantry? Jacuzzi tub? Home office? Kitchen island?

Do tell!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010


It has been *gorgeous* lately with the last few days in the 80's!!!
So Spring has officially sprung!
And boy can my allergies feel it!!!

Last weekend we planted a few flowers.
Some previously planted flowers sprung up as well.
Here's our springy little shoe-box house:

I'm hoping we can carve out some time this weekend to start the first phase of our vegetable garden!
We're trying this for the first time, and I really have no clue what I'm doing.
We are *hoping* to grow:
tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, peppers, jaCheck Spellinglepenos, watermelon and strawberries.

Anybody have any tips??? They would be greatly appreciated.

Also, what are you growing this year? Flowers? Vegetables? Fruit? Do share!!

Enjoy this beautiful weather!
xoxo Jenny Free