
Sunday, April 25, 2010

post no. 101

It's late Sunday night and I have a busy week ahead....

This week I have to:
* Clean the's badddd
* Organize our home office
* Do a butt-load of laundry
* Write a paper for Grad school
* Go to class
* Go to work, obviously
* 4th grade choir concert on Thursday night
* 4th grade choir tour Friday
* Family birthday party Friday night
* Host a baby shower for my sister-in-law Saturday

So, yeah, I'm completely overwhelmed.

I want our home office to look pretty, so I've been looking for some pics. Here's what I got:

All pretty similar, huh? I guess I know what I like....
Well, I'm off to bed to get a little shut eye before this whirlwind of a week hits me...

Any advice readers? How to tackle a never-ending to-do list without just sitting down and crying?


  1. LOL I know how you feel, I've so been there!!!

    Here's what I do when I have a HUGE to-do list. Unless one of the items is urgent (then do that one first), I like to start out with the tasks that are going to be fairly easy and that I know I can do FAST. That helps me to feel accomplished when I can see that I'm crossing off several items from the list. =) I suppose that's kind of like Dave Ramsey style of eliminating to-do list debt. LOL But don't leave your least favorite task for last otherwise you will definitely delay it... experience speaking. =D

  2. Uh, I hate those kind of weeks. Def. make a to do list that you can visually see, then when you complete a task, scratch the crap out of it with a pen then move on. Crossing off tasks always helps me feel "motivated and accomplished" when I visually see the line through it. I have issues....but it helps me. :)

  3. I know how you feel! This week is cr-a-zy for me too. Great photos. The 1st and the 3rd are my favorites. I'd love to do an asymmetrical photo grouping. Anytime I try to lay one out, it just looks random:( I'm going to save that pic for future reference. Have a great week...hang in there!


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