
Monday, December 24, 2012


It's not even officially Christmas, and it's already the best yet.
Being a Mama at Christmas is the best!!!
We are blessed with a ton of family, so Christmas began this past week and will continue through the new year!
This week started with a beautiful snow
That's our backyard.
It was a perfect mood-setting snow.
This past weekend we went to my Aunt and Uncle's for Christmas.
The spoiled him with some books, puzzle, clothes, stuffed animals and Little People truck!
My Aunt gave Levi a book that was my Dad's as a kid.
Sidenote: My dad passed away when I was six years old. So for Levi to have something of his grandpa's is extra special.

Levi is loving all his new toys!
 Yesterday, on Christmas Eve Eve, we celebrated Christmas with my mom and sister.
He got lots of books, clothes, toys and goodies!
His favorite gift was probably his Lightning McQueen ride-on walker toy.
Levi has been getting very close to walking, and with his walker, he just takes off!

Check it how cute he is!

Then....Santa came this morning!
Mr. Free grew up with Santa coming on Christmas Eve morning. This is because Santa knew how busy they were visiting family on Christmas, so this let them be home and play with their toys all day.
We decided to continue that tradition. So here's what Santa brought him...

Santa went a *wee* bit overboard. 
I was just so excited to have a little boy to spoil!
And he's getting so big! He was ready for some bigger boy toys, books and clothes! 
 I made sure to video his whole unwrapping, but snagged one pic of him opening gifts with his Daddy.

We then sent most of the day down in his playroom playing with all his toys.
And yes, his playroom looks like Toys R Us.
And yes, Mama is glad to have a playroom to contain all the fun into...
 So Christmas hasn't even begun and it's already been fantastic.
My Mama heart is so full celebrating this joyous time with my husband and son.

Next year I am excited to share the true joy of Christmas with Levi and have him understand a bit more.
How he is SO loved that God sent his very own son down to earth to later die for us.
That that is the best gift of all time.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

1 comment:

I love comments! Thanks for leaving me one! I read each and everyone one! xoxo Jenny Free