
Saturday, December 29, 2012


I'm now 28.
Yesterday was my birthday.
It was perfect.

I don't feel 28.

Honestly? I feel about 19.

My birthday consisted of:
Sleeping in
Snuggling with my boys
Dinner date

27 was an amazing year.
Probably the best yet.

God has sure blessed me.
He has given me my perfect partner in life.
Who is incredibly hot by the way. : )
He blessed us with an amazing son....who we fall more in love with each and every minute.
We have a home that we are constantly making our own.
We each have jobs...and I'm able to be mostly home with our son.
I've been able to be creative with my sewing and even bless my family financially by it.
We have an incredibly supportive and loving church family.
We have the best family and friends we could ever dream of.

27 was fantastic and I am so excited to see what He has in store for us for Year 28.

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