
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Nearly-Free Playroom: Reveal

Come on in!
The playroom is an unfinished storage area in the basement right off our new family room.
I forgot to take "before" pictures, but imagine bare concrete walls, bare concrete floors and filled to the brim with JUNK!!!
We did some major purging and craigslisting to get to an empty space!

Keep in mind....this room was created for nearly nothing. We didn't finish the walls or install carpet. We repurposed old furniture we had.
So with that...

 The couch was a hand-me-down and we actually had the slip cover. $0
I bought the red and white striped pillow at HomeGoods for $10.
The stool is hand carved with the motorcycle (I knew Daddy would love it!) for $15 at HomeGoods.
 The shelving we already had and it was already painted. Perfect and $0
I got the blue and white basket, blue wire basket and blue chalkboard basket at HomeGoods (I love taht place for a total of $21.
The green basket was from Dollar Tree.
Luckily, many of the baskets are EMPTY. 
This will be great, especially once Christmas and Birthday rolls around...
The green stool I had had since childhood. $0.
 The coffee table was Mr. Free's parents.
It's a great coffee table, and we had sanded the top to use in the family room with a darker stain, but went a different route. I painted it and then added a Chalkboard laquer on the top, so it'll be fun for Levi when he gets a bit bigger to draw on! ($6 for paint and chalkboard)
Red basket from HomeGoods $5
I will have a post soon on how to DIY your own chalkboard table.
 Mr. Free had painted the mural of the KC skyline a while back, so it became part of the "theme" if you will of the room. City and transportation.
I thought something hanging from the bare rafters would be fun, so found these flags at Hobby Lobby for $4 a piece. (Then used 40% off coupon!)

 We have my dad's old headboard we needed to store, so we put it behind the love seat with a painted board on top. On top are the cars and planes my dad and I built together.
 The rug is from Target and is $25, but I used a gift card I had. 
I know it'll be so fun for a little boy and his cars!
The carpet and padding were leftover from finishing our basement, so we just laid them down to make a cushy play space. $0
 In the corner is a Little Tykes slide that was graciously given to us! $0

 The "entertainment center" is just a vertical storage piece on its side. 
Creative, huh?
The stereo and TV were Mr. Free's and thought they'd be just fine for a playroom.
The white storage shelves we already had. $0
The green basket from the dollar store and the blue wire basket were $8.

The little man has sure enjoyed this space!
It may not be the prettiest but it is sure functional.
It's great to have a place to store all his things right next to the family room.
And not have to be in the family room.
Grand total: $72
Not shabby!

1 comment:

  1. did a great job keeping it inexpensive. Love the Stop sign, exposes them to letters early on.


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