
Friday, April 27, 2012

Things I'm diggin' right now...

 International Delight Iced Coffee
Vanilla flavor

If you haven't tried it...YOU MUST!!
It tastes SOO good!!!
I like my coffee cold and plenty sweet and this fits the bill.
It's about $4 for a half gallon at the grocery store.
All you gotta do is pour it over ice and enjoy!
I'm not making nearly the Starbucks runs that I used to, but this satisfies that caffeine need mid-afternoon and its saving me lots of money too!

Trader Joe's Cookie Butter
This stuff is amazing.

It is Speculoos cookies, ground into a butter.
Speculoos cookies are from Belgium (I think...) and have a mild caramel, gingersnap taste to them.
I ate a jar this week.
*hangs head*
And I'm currently eating the last lit bit smeared on a crossaint.

BumGenius Albert Print Diaper

I got some fluff in the mail today!
The new Albert print diaper!!
For Earth Day, Mom's Milk Boutique had their BumGenius diapers for 25% off.
I quickly snagged this hard-to-find print!

Levi is so blessed to live within 15 minutes of all his grandparents, and 30 minutes from all his great-grandparents.
What does this mean?
LOTS of eager baby-sitters!
They have been a godsend to help whenever we need it.
I seriously don't know how people do it without the grandparents near!

Being home with my lil' man

I am very much cherishing this time I have to dedicate to my son, my husband and my home.
The quality snuggles and milestones I get to to witness each day with my son is amazing.
With this time I've also been able to keep our home the cleanest and most organized its every been.
I've been able to knock out some long-needed projects.
I know that my husband coming home to a kept house and a happy son is a blessing to him.
My time at home will be up come next school year, but I feel so very blessed that God provided this extra abundance of time to dedicate to my family.

What are you diggin' right now?!

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