
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Last post before Baby!!!

How far along? 38 weeks!!!

Matenity clothes? Most certainly. However...I have rebelled in my last few weeks against maternity shirts. I am so over them. I HAVE to wear maternity pants, no way around that, but luckily I have lots of LONG pre-pregnancy shirts that I have been wearing. I just miss my old clothes.

Sleep? Not so much. My left hip (which I've always had problems with) has been hurting SOO bad. It hurts to sleep on it, it hurts to sleep on the other hip, even with a plethoria of pillows. I think it's just the nature of this stage of pregnancy. Preparing me for being up with a newborn. : )

Best moment of the week(s)?

- Everything is set up for baby. Everything is hung on the walls, the bags are packed, house is clean. We are ready!

- Got my "mom" haircut. My best friend and I had a girls day and went to the salon, shopping and Indian food! My hair was SO long and thick that it took forever to dry! I knew that with a newborn, something easy is what I needed! I really like the change!

- Knowing FOR SURE when Baby Free will be here! We are scheduled for induction at 6 am on February 8 (my best friends birthday!). Baby's lungs weren't ready for induction last week, as originally scheduled, but Baby WILL be here no later than February 8!

What I miss? I truly have enjoyed being pregnant. I feel very blessed to have been able to carry this child. But, now that the end of pregnancy is drawing near, there are a few things I told Mr. Free I am looking forward to, including:

- Sleeping on my tummy. Oh have I've missed that!

- Deli meat. I have already "ordered" a Mr. Goodcents sub after delivery!

- Non-itchy skin! I have a horrid rash on my stomach that itches SOOO bad! Dr. said it should go away after delivery.. I can't wait!

What I'm looking forward to?

- Meeting Baby Free! I can't believe Wednesday we will meet him/her! And I can't wait to find out if it's a him or her as well!!! I am so looking forward to seeing Baby's face for the first time. I can't wait to see if Baby has lots of hair like the ultrasound techs have said, and to see if the hair is red, brown or blonde! I can't wait to see if Baby Free has super chubby cheeks like they look on the ultrasounds. I just can't wait to meet this child! I'm also looking forward to seeing Mr. Free as a Daddy. I know I'm going to fall in love with him all over again.


Being full term!

We are going in TONIGHT to start the induction!!! So crazy! We will begin with Cervidil at 6, give me a big ol sleeping pill. Early tomorrow morning get an epi, pitocin and break my water. My OB is confident Baby Free will arrive tomorrow sometime!

I'm pretty nervous about the whole labor thing but know that God has brought us through this incredible and often scary journey to parenthood and that He will see us through to the other side! Can't wait to meet this precious child He has planned for us. It's so crazy...I'm going to be a Mommy!!!


  1. I had such dry skin when I was pregnant it was awful, thankfully that went away. But as for sleeping on your stomach, I looked forward to this as well but realized it isn't very comfortable for the ladies to sleep on your stomach. I think I have also read that putting pressure on them like that can cause issue with your supply. I am just warning you if you plan to breastfeed. Also while pregnant I got so tired of only being able to sleep on my side that once I was able to sleep on my back again, it felt wonderful, and still does.

  2. Good luck with the induction! I was induced at 38 weeks as well. I wouldn't say it was a breeze, but it was a lot easier than I expected. Have fun meeting your baby!

  3. You're looking good. Your baby is going to be healthy seeing how big your tummy is. Good luck and God bless to giving birth.



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