
Friday, December 10, 2010

Graduation Weekend!!!

Mr. Free is graduating tomorrow!!!!!!

I am so proud of this man!!!

We started off our marriage 3.5 years ago with myself finishing up my undergrad in Music Ed and him fresh out of the Fire Academy.

I was proud, yet terrified to be a Fireman's wife. (I should NEVER have watched Ladder 49...)

But I placed my husband in the Lord's hands to use him wherever He needed him. And I knew the risks involved.

But after a year volunteering with a Fire Department, Mr. Free felt the Lord calling him into a new career path.

I was overjoyed!

So we then began the track of finding schools and programs for Mr. Free to get his Bachelor's degree in Art Education.

We were both going to be teachers!!!

That thought had never occured to me when we got married. But I am so thankful God had other plans.

Mr. Free has worked so hard these last 2.5 years finishing school and substituting as well.

The Lord has blessed him with a long-term substitute position in Middle School Art until the end of the year, which is a HUGE blessing!

For the first time in our whole marriage we will have 2 paychecks!!!!!

Tonight we are having an Open House to celebrate his hard work and accomplishments.
Did I mention he is graduating Magna Cum Laude?
He is such a hard worker, amazing artist and compassionate teacher.
I am thrilled God has chosen me to be by his side as his encourager through this journey and can't wait to see the next chapter for him.
Congratulations babe, I love you so much!!!


I love comments! Thanks for leaving me one! I read each and everyone one! xoxo Jenny Free