
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Egg Recall

With the recent egg recall and numerous food recalls in the last few years, it has really changed my perspective on where my family's food comes from.

If you recall about 6 months ago, Mr. Free and I joined a local meat and egg CSA from a local family farm.

Each month we get 10 lbs. of meat and a dozen eggs.
Everything is free-range, grass-fed, able to roam the earth.
What helps me feel at ease is that I know where my food comes from.

I've been there.

I've walked the farm.

I've met the family.

Here they are.

If I ever got sick.... I would know who to talk to.
I know my burger came from one single cow in Richmond, MO.
Not 1,200 cows from Nebraska all ground together in a factory.

As the news sensationalizes this newest recall, I encourage you to do your research on the best and safest way to feed your family.

We sure sleep well at night....with a nice full belly!

Here's a couple great resources for quality, local food.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Chore Chart

With the recent addition of our college student living with us, our busy schedules and my lack of cleaning discipline, the Free household introduced the Chore Chart nearly a month ago.

Here is what ours looks like:

So far, I'd give us a B+/ A -.
I would say as far as laundry goes, it has turn me into an A+ student.
Normally, I would let me laundry pile up until it was a weekend event.
Now, with having a scheduled day, I'm always on top of it!

We are doing pretty good overall.
It's nice knowing what needs to be done when.
For the last month or so I haven't had marathon clean ups because the house is relatively ready to go.

So this beauty hangs on our fridge as a daily reminder of what needs to be done to keep this well-oiled machine called the Free Household running smoothly.

I know for many of you this is second nature, no chart needed. But for us, it's pretty much a requirement.

Just my tidbit of the day ; )

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A little retail therapy...

My procedure went well yesterday.
Surgery wasn't nearly as scary as I had built up in my mind.
Imagine that.

But this morning, with some pain meds in my system I decided to hit the pavement and go shopping.
I desperately needed some retail therapy.
And I got it.

Plus....the doctor said I need to be up and moving to prevent blood clots. So the mall and Farmers Market seemed just like what the doctor ordered.... : )

Mr. Free and I woke up early with some friends and headed to the City Market.
We had so much fun.
We ate some pastries at a local bakery.

Then shopped around and got some amazing fruits and veggies as well as a half a loaf of Tuscan bread.

Look at that bounty!
We got:
Half loaf of Bread $5 (it's massive!)
5 peaches $4
3 onions $2
Big bag of green beans $3
Garlic $.75
Zuchinni $.25
Squash $.25
Green onion $.75

Not too shabby!

Then my Mama took me to the mall where I indugled in a little Godiva (and Mom sent me home with some chocolates!)

And then headed to my favorite store for cheap indulgences, Forever 21.

I got some skinny jeans for $11.50 (regularly priced!)
A necklace: $5.80
Ring: $4.80

Not shabby. I told my mom that I couldn't remember the last time I bought something for myself at the mall. It had been a long time.

Then when I got home I was reading a good friends money saving blog and found a steal on cereal at our local Hy-Vee.
The Free household goes through a LOT of cereal.
And I basically got paid $1 for buying 6 boxes of name-brand cereal! Score!

So yes....that was my day in a nutshell.
Workin' hard to get this economy back spinnin'!

Thank you again for all the thoughts and prayers....we have appreciated it so much!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Lord gave and the Lord takes way

Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Job 1:21

The ultrasound showed the baby was already gone and my body is starting the process of starting a new.
I will probably have a D & C Friday morning.
I am terrified.
I have never had any surgery before and never wanted to be put under.
I'm afraid I won't wake up.
Which is silly, but really what terrifies me.

If anyone has some encouraging words about the procedure I would greatly appreciate it.

And readers, I hope to return to some more uplifting content soon.

Thank you again for all your prayers.

At 4:30 today...

we will have an ultrasound to see our little one and decide what to do.
I'm not convinced it is over, but preparing that it is.
We will see if their is a heartbeat then see the next step.
God is a God of miracles and we are sure praying for one.
We appreciate your prayers too.

But through this all, God is good despite the outcome of our little one.
We pray that He is glorified whether it is through our miraculous child, or the incredible peace we receive in losing our baby.

Thank you all for your words of encouragement and prayers. You all are wonderful.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

An Update

What a nightmare the last 24 hours have been.

I woke up early this morning mentally going back through my Dr.'s appointment.
Here is the play by play.

Nurse comes in to try and use the doppler to hear the heart beat. (I am supposed to be nine weeks). She tells me they normally can't hear it until 10, but try at 9 for a bonus.
She can't find it.

The Dr. comes in to try it out. She searches for awhile and every once in awhile hears a heartbeat, but then checks my pulse and says its just me. Then she said, "This one is not you though....let me get another doppler with less static because you need to appreciate this."

She gets the other doppler and can't find it. She said, " The baby wins, lets go take a look at it."

We go in and attempt a traditional ultrasound. She said it's a bit early, so it may not work. She starts in and says my uterus is really tilted and can't see anything. She decides to do a vaginal ultrasound.

When she starts in on the vaginal she remarks and how far back my uterus is tilted. She finds the baby and comments at how it's the same size as last time and the yolk sac is large. The yolk sac is measuring at 9 weeks, but the baby at 6.

She has a tech come in to check. The tech was super quick, barely looked and just said, " Yup, baby small, yolk sac big."

My Dr. then tells me it looks like I lost the baby a couple of weeks ago and that I need to make the decision to miscarry naturally, take medication to induce it or to have a D & C.

They never mentioned if they saw the heartbeat flicker on the ultrasound. They didn't really zoom in on the baby like the tech did at my 6 week appointment.

I'm just confused as I think of all of this.

As I've been reading online, people report having a tilted uterus can cause your baby to measure a couple of weeks behind.

I'm preparing myself that this baby is already in Heaven, but I PRAY for complete clarity.
Right now I just don't feel confident enough to schedule a D & C.
I'm going to call my Dr. this morning and see if I can schedule another ultrasound next week to confirm things before I make my decision.

If anyone has been in a similar situation and could offer some insight, that would be greatly appreciated.

I'm really trying not to get my hopes up, but I want to make sure I make the right decision.

Monday, August 23, 2010

We really need your prayers.

So, I've been pretty absent lately.
In July, we found out we were expecting.
I was waiting until the 2nd trimester to let the whole world know.
I hadn't been feeling well and every home project I wanted to do revolved around the baby.
So I hadn't been posting.

Today we found out we lost the baby.
They just hadn't grown since our last appointment.

Mr. Free and I were really excited to welcome a new little one into our family.
But apparently it wasn't God's time yet.
We know our little baby is in Heaven with their Grandpa right now.

I've always vowed to be real on here
I feel like I should share this incredibly painful time with others, rather than bottling it up.
I pray through all of this, God is glorified and Mr. Free and I can help others.

I know we are not even close to the only people who have experienced this kind of a loss.
It's still just really hard.

We pray that God will grant us healthy children in His time.
In the meantime, we pray for healing and contentment.

We greatly appreciate your prayers, words of encouragement and wisdom as we deal with this.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I hate growing up.
Life with Mr. Free has been so full of fun.
Responsibility comes with marriage, and a home, and a career, of course.
But we chose to live as child-like and care-free as possible.

I didn't get the laundry done? No biggie.
The house is a mess? There's always tomorrow....
What's for dinner tomorrow? Shoot! I don't know what's for dinner tonight!

That has been my life.

This past week Mr. Free and I have opened our home to a college student at our church in need of housing until able to get a place of their own.

Mr. Free and I now have the role to show this young person what responsibility, a godly marriage, a godly home and a good work ethic look like.

No slacking now.

Someone else's future is potentially on the line.
In order to get our home together in adding a third person, and to have things run smoothly I have made chore charts, event calendars and monthly menus.

Yes, I've made those things in the past. Did I stick to them? Nope. Not usually.
(Did I mention I am totally right-brained and not the least bit Type A? Yeah, you've probably figured that out....)

So in the next couple of weeks I'll share some tips of my newly adapted habits to help our household run as smoothly as possible.

We realize that everything we do is showing this young person how to live, and we want to be the best example possible.
9Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
Romans 12:9-13

Mr. Free and I could sure use your prayers, words of encouragement and wisdom. If you all have any tips on having a new long-term house guest or other homemaking advice, it sure would be appreciated!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I seriously LOVE this time of year!

As I'm getting my classroom ready for a new school year, and organizing all my classroom decorations I was reminded just how much I absolutely love this time of year!
The whole first semester in fact!
Yes, right now it is hot. VERY hot. But I love the anticipation of a fresh school year.
All the hope, optimism and fresh starts.

Then I looked at my September stuff.
Which instantly makes me think of
Which makes me think of apple picking, apple cider, apple donuts and the start of a crisp air.

Then I got out my October decorations (My FAVORITE month!)
And I thought of

Which makes me think of hayrides, pumpkin patches, fall scented candles, bonfires, pumpkin carving, hoodies, cool air, and Halloween!!!

Then, I got out my November stuff, which makes me think of

oh yeah...Thanksgiving!!! (I always dream about the dessert....not so much the turkey...blech)
Then I got out my December stuff....which makes me smile and think of

Ahh...Christmas time. The most magical time of the year. Lots of warm cozy sweaters, quality time with family and friends, baking , the scent of peppermint, christmas lights, and maybe a present or two!

And then, I looked at my January stuff and realized how much I dislike 2nd semester..... : )
Here's to a wonderful school year and a great fall!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back to School....

Ah yes, the dreaded night before heading back to school.
Do I go to bed early?
I'm not even tired!
I'll sure regret it in the morning!

That is the dialogue in my head right now.

I'm excited for another year.
I miss all 900 of my kiddos.
I'm even excited for an actual schedule again.

But it's hard to give up sweet, sweet freedom. : )

P.S. I promise to have some posts with actual content very, very soon. Life has just been nuts lately.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Sorry to my readers.
I have been pretty absent lately.
What have I been doing?


Well....not nothing. Just nothing blog worthy.
I have a week before going back to school, and most of that week will we will be visiting Mr. Free's nieces.
So, for the last couple of weeks I have been soaking up summer.

I have been sleeping in.
I have been watching The View.
I have been having lunch dates with friends.
I have been going to the movies.
I have been going to church softball games.
I have been taking naps. Oh glorious naps.
I have been at Target. A lot.
I have been staying up way too late.

So yeah, that's where I've been. I promise. I will be back very soon with more regularly scheduled stuff.
More frugal tips, homemaking ideas, decor inspiration. You know. Stuff I do love.

Basically I just wanted to let you know I'm still alive out there. : )